This week join Mike and Danny, back in the lab again, as they tentatively extract dangerous metaphysic from the safety of its lead lined container. Have they instituted all necessary safety protocols or are they being recklessly cavalier with this most dangerous of philosophical substances? Catch your breath as Danny dons a protective suit and attempts to hold the highly volatile raw metaphysic stable using nothing but a pair of bbq tongs as Mike seeks to guide it into the Philoso-genorator (TM). Surely there is nothing to fear here, right? Mike and Danny are trained researchers with years of experience handling dangerous ideas behind them. But wait a moment, what’s that, dangling above the exposed metaphysic? It looks like a proposition from Wittgenstein, it’s falling through the metaphysical radiation and is starting to glow… Oh my gods! IT’S BITTEN DANNY! Who knows what effect this could have. And thus, a legend is born.