This week, listen in as Mike finally confesses to delusions of godhood and his complicity in a slew of failed student relationships. How many cooks does it really take to spoil the broth? Who actually still eats broth these days?? Yes, the recipe for the perfect life, too much salt and the whole thing goes straight into the bin. Join us as we work through the spice rack of virtue - a little bit of honesty, a smidge of courage and the merest soupçon of temperance. Ok, now little it simmer gently for a few… GENTLY FOR GODS SAKE! DON’T BOIL THE CRAP OUT OF IT, YOU’LL SPOIL IT! … Ah, it’s too late now. Oh well, back to the drawing board. Virtue is like oxygen, right? You get too much you get too high, not enough and you’re gonna die. Or is that love? Sounds pretty Sweet either way, right?