This week, what happens when worlds collide? Do they both erupt in twin fire balls spinning off into the void as a sleek silver space ship cuts its way through the darkness on its way to a new home and a fresh start? Does encounter with otherness and difference inevitably lead to a diminution of the very essence of who and what we are? I mean, you said you wouldn’t try to change me but here we are, years down the line with your curtain fabric and furnishings throughout the house and all my stuff boxed up and in the loft! Well enough is enough, I don’t accept things as they are anymore, it’s time for a change… then again, isn’t that how this whole business started in the first place? No, you’re right, it’s time for a fresh start, all my shit SHOULD go in the bin, now is the time to reset and rewrite the script. All this and Danny, "the arse man”, compromising his eternal digital footprint for the ages. Am I living in a box, am I living in a cardboard box?