It’s 2021 and we are back to bring philosophy to the masses! Join Mike and Danny as they emerge blinking from the darkness of 2020 bloated with the excesses of the festive season. Listen in with mild disappointment as Mike stuffs his face with leftover Christmas cake and Danny confesses, to his enduring shame, that he consumes sell-by mince pies behind closed doors to the everlasting embarrassment of his family and amidst the sound of his crying children. Yes, families, what are they for exactly? You can choose your friends so they say, but your family is part of the un-negotiated thrownness of being. Can philosophy help us understand the nature and purpose of family? Which of the major philosophers would provide us with the most useful dating advice? Is there an ideal form of the perfect partner or do we simply have to leap into the dating game and trust to faith? Check out this weeks cast and swipe right.