Previous Episode: Ep. 114 Monsters!
Next Episode: Ep. 116 Monsters! Part 3

This week, from the non-euclidean nightmare that is WTF, oozes a podcast that should never be. Listen in unbridled terror as you witness the hideous mass heave itself from the pit to confront the heavens with its unnatural appearance. Attend, in slack jawed amazement as the unspeakable thing assails your ears with its unholy mutterings. Feel the inevitable paralysis creep into your very soul as the full horror of a podcast that is half a thing of nature and half a thing of science perverted reveals itself to you in all its hideous glory. YES! IT LIVES! IT LIVES!! THEY CALLED US MAD … MAD! STITCH DR MIKES INSANE RAMBLINGS TOGETHER WITH THE CRAZED BURBLING OF A DIRT ENCRUSTED ARCHEOLOGIST? BREATH BLASPHEMOUS LIFE INTO A CAST WITHOUT DANNY??? CAN SUCH A THING EXIST??? It can if Danny’s laptop suddenly stops recording. May the gods have mercy on us all …