Previous Episode: Ep.112 Knowledge Wars Part 3
Next Episode: Ep. 114 Monsters!

This week join our know-it-all podcast as Mike and Danny once more don the vestments of the epistemological priesthood and lead you, but only if you are truly repentant, into the light of clear and certain understanding. Bow in veneration at the combined feet of your gurus as we, the custodians of all that is true and real, weigh you in the balance. Will you be found wanting or will you pass into blessed enlightenment? Is your salvation dependent upon the sum total of all your experiences? Is knowledge of Australia a necessary condition for true knowledge or have we got the wrong end of our own stick? Tune in and sort the sheep from the goats, the wheat from the chaff and the priori from the a priori. Only the penitent man will be saved…the penitent man…penitent man… swoooosh!

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