Hello, All! Thanks for checking out Philosophy: A Survival Guide, a podcast and blog (heavier on the podcast) dedicated to promote the study of philosophy through casual conversations and anecdotes that show that, like it or not, philosophy is everywhere. If you decide to study philosophy, we hope to throw you a lifeline to bring you […]

Hello, All!

Thanks for checking out Philosophy: A Survival Guide, a podcast and blog (heavier on the podcast) dedicated to promote the study of philosophy through casual conversations and anecdotes that show that, like it or not, philosophy is everywhere.

If you decide to study philosophy, we hope to throw you a lifeline to bring you back to the “real world.”  We want to remind you that yes, those abstractions and generalities that you’re studying do have their proper context in your life.  We’ll help you stay grounded.  We hope to be your survival guide.

If you are doubtful that studying philosophy is necessary for everyday living, we hope to show you how studying and defining your personal philosophy will enhance your day-to-day life.  Trying to live without a defined philosophy is like trying write an essay without an outline; you may get the final paper done regardless, but a paper written with a properly outlined guide will be clearer, more efficient, and prevent the writer from wandering off course.  Philsophy is a survival guide.

See what we did there?

Anyway, we hope you have fun listening to our podcasts.  We’ll try to present a mixture of philosophic theory, fun stories, and we’ll try to keep it as far away from the guru’s mountain as possible.  We welcome you to send topic ideas, questions, or comments to: [email protected] and/or follow us on Twitter: @philopodcast

Here’s who we are:

Michael Raveling  is a 12-year Software Test professional and Quality Assurance analyst. He’s a University of Minnesota graduate with a Bachelor’s degree in computer science. He also hosts a wildly popular podcast about software testing ( http://www.softwaretestpodcast.com )

Anthony Selbitschka has been working in the photographic/printing industry for all of his professional life, specializing in facilities/equipment management.  Anthony is also a University of Minnesota grad with a BA in Philosophy.

Anthony and Michael have been close friends for nearly 20 years.  They enjoy arguing, Timberwolves games, and most currently, Podcasting.