In this Episode, Tony and Mike discuss a USA Today OpEd claiming that we don’t have FreeWill.  We then remember that we forgot to talk about REASON in EpIII’s Intro To Epistemology, so we briefly touch upon that.  Moving on to ETHICS, Mike and I lay out the FUNDAMENTAL element of our personal views on […]

In this Episode, Tony and Mike discuss a USA Today OpEd claiming that we don’t have FreeWill.  We then remember that we forgot to talk about REASON in EpIII’s Intro To Epistemology, so we briefly touch upon that.  Moving on to ETHICS, Mike and I lay out the FUNDAMENTAL element of our personal views on Ethics (our standard of value), setting up shop for future discussions on Ethics.  Lastly, we discuss Kierkegaard as our chosen philosopher/philosophy of the moment.

We learned:

NOISE!  Sorry about it.  In the first 6 minutes, something was wrong with the recording and we are left with some cracks and pops.  The last 20 minutes are filled with the joyous sounds of Mike’s son playing with his HotWheel Cars.  I hope you think it’s cute and not annoying.  We’ll strive to keep quiet next time.  Thanks for your patience.
Wiki was down during this podcast.  We support the fight against SOPA/PIPA.  Click here.
Tony still needs to learn to SLOW DOWN!  Whew…. take a breath!
This new format works.  We will continue to chose a philosopher or philosophy for each podcast for a nice discussion (on top of the usual smorgasbord of topics).

Thanks to you for checking us out.  We promise to improve with every episode!  Stick with us and be sure to suggest themes, questions, etc. to [email protected] or @philopodcast on Twitter.