Well, the level of meta connections involved in these show notes has gotten so interconnected it has formed a singularity of infinite metaness. If you're reading this you're sadly trapped in the meta and will not be able to escape until things get a bit more straightforward around here. We read A Subway named Mobius and Jeremiah Traeger joined us to discuss emergent properties and how absurd they are as a term of art.

Emergent Properties: https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/properties-emergent/

Jerb's Youtube page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmE8jnO-2WwKYjSpRXEu2Hw/featured?view_as=subscriber&fbclid=IwAR0wFydQ9_V_XpsKwDI5qx9-UtEZiek0vQrKlt5zBEVO6QVrhcZeyARcqW4

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Sibling shows:

Serious Inquiries Only: https://seriouspod.com/

Opening Arguments: https://openargs.com/ 

Embrace the Void: https://voidpod.com/

Editing by Brian Ziegenhagen, check out his pod: http://youarehere.libsyn.com/s02e02-rex-manning-day?fbclid=IwAR2L2_YIJvQpcw0nx6nTSfz0GmyJ1DtWsF--vvdI9W1ug3XW7IAtU6dQ36s

Recent appearances: Thomas was just on Cog Dis talking trash about me. You should go listen and then talk trash about everyone involved to defend my honor.

CONTENT PREVIEW: Blindsight and Philosophical Zombies

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