Matt Hardy suffered a scary fall at Saturday's AEW All Out pay-per-view where he was knocked unconscious for nearly a minute. Thankfully, the decision was made to stop the Broken Rules Match between him and Sammy Guevara. Minutes later, the doctor cleared Hardy and they resumed the match. The next day, Tony Khan said Hardy did not have a concussion and many people apologized to him, and respected wrestling reporters did not do additional research. This really irked Nick Piccone, so he goes All In (pun intended) on AEW, Tony Khan, and the doctor who "cleared" Hardy (who is currently NOT cleared to wrestle... wonder why) at the 18:30 mark.

Then Vaughn Johnson takes WWE to task for the façade that is "independent contractors" where there's nothing independent about being a WWE talent, especially with a new edict that WWE contracted talent cannot use third-party apps. Is Vince taking money out of their pockets? Will they get that money back under a WWE-led app? Why can't they get a bus or a plane to get the talent around instead of having the talent pay for their own rental car and hotel expenses? Why is this still happening in 2020? (We know they're not really traveling much due to the pandemic, but this has been an issue for a loooong time, so we explore it more.)

Before we get into all of that, we hit on the TV ratings and Dynamite hitting over 1 million viewers unopposed coming off All Out, while NXT remained around 800,000+ ish for their two Super Tuesday shows, and discuss why NXT should permanently move to Tuesday nights.