My original intention when I started this blog was to share different lessons God has taught me about Fathering. Both audio/video messages posted on this site have that element to them. So here it goes.
"People (i.e. Israelites) will settle there and possess it; The children of his servants will inherit it" Ps 69:36a
The Israelites had to fight to obtain the land God had given them. To the degree in which they obeyed and obtained God's promise that would become their children's inheritance.
In the same way, every Man must "possess" the land God has promised for him and his family. Private victory over sin, overcoming the demonic curses or sinful tendencies that have run on your Fathers for generations will be come your children's inheritance or starting point. Just as there were physical enemies on the Israelites land so some men have enemies of generational curses, sinful tendencies or whatever living on the land God had declared is yours and your family. If a man depopulates his God given inheritance of the enemy then his children will start from a point of victory. Instead of continuing the trends of divorce, abuse, sexual sins, lying, insecurity, fear of lack, alcoholism, etc...

Possess what God promised in your private life. Then in the spirit you'll see a strength in your kids that you possess because your victory becomes theirs. This does not guarantee they will never sin but they will start from a place of strength vs. a place of spiritual weakness b/c their Dad was a compromiser that the Devil could harass him or his kids. Private victory ensure strength in to protect your children from demonic tempatations that devil has used in your family for generations. Put a stop to this in your life and your kids will be stronger and take more ground for God they you ever thought possible.