Rebekah's Founders Story: I founded Coffee and Kindness after watching my brother, Steven, change nearly every life he came in contact with. Steven has Down Syndrome and on top of being the inspiration for this nonprofit,  a dedicated employee, and an active member of his community, he is best known for the kindness he spreads. Are you in love yet?

Coffee and Kindness plans to break the stigma around people with developmental disabilities through meaningful employment and community involvement. With over 82% of people with disabilities unemployed or underemployed, it's time we value people with differences and their gifts and talents we are missing out on!  In addition to internships and employment opportunities on our coffee truck (planning to open in the summer 2023), we plan to offer job exploration and coaching, and job carving in local businesses. We believe everyone deserves to be seen, heard, and included, and we pursue that through our community outreach programs.

Most importantly, we exist to support individuals with developmental disabilities as they pursue their most meaningful life! Together we can create a more inclusive and accessible workforce while most importantly helping spread the one thing the world needs most right now, KINDNESS...and coffee.
As always, we are here to help. Reach out or book a meeting with us * *

We are an agency designed to help nonprofits thrive through digital strategy and amazing events. We help grow your donor base, digital reach and event fundraising by utilizing our tried & tested methods. Your digital presence and the quality of your events matters now more than ever. With over ten years of nonprofit fundraising experience, we’ve figured out what results in donor excitement, loyalty, and engagement.

We love to share the unique impact stories of nonprofits around the world in hopes that it brings in new donors, recurring donors, and spreads their mission. If you'd like to be featured on our podcast, please book here * *

For more information, visit our website: or follow us on Instagram @philanthropyunited

All content is recorded in our studio in Old Town, Scottsdale
As always, we are here to help. Reach out or book a meeting with us

We are an agency designed to help nonprofits thrive through digital strategy and amazing events. We help grow your donor base, digital reach and event fundraising by utilizing our tried & tested methods. Your digital presence and the quality of your events matter now more than ever. With over ten years of nonprofit fundraising experience, we’ve figured out what results in donor excitement, loyalty, and engagement.

We love to share the unique impact stories of nonprofits around the world in hopes that it brings in new donors, and recurring donors, and spreads their mission. If you'd like to be featured on our podcast, please book here *

For more information, visit our website: or follow us on Instagram @philanthropyunited 

All content is recorded in our studio in Old Town, Scottsdale