It Takes a Village, Fostering a Community for Animals with Gordon Sims 
Gordon Sims brings 25 years of non-profit program development experience, leadership in building community engagement programs and a successful fund development and major gifts track record. Before coming to Heidi’s Village, he worked at Sojourner Center as the Director of Philanthropy and served as the Director of Major Gifts for the Franciscan Renewal Center’s capital campaign.

Gordon loves the mission of Heidi’s Village and sees it as more relevant today in our community than ever before. His focus is building a robust fund development/marketing plan with his team, which includes an increase in major gifts and individual support, broadening foundation and corporate relationships, developing well-attended fundraising events, legacy and planned giving and helping to make Heidi’s Village a household name in the valley.

Gordon serves on several boards in the valley and is a self-proclaimed social services geek. At a very young age, Gordon saw individuals being treated as if they should be invisible or disposable and decided to be a person to engage the community on behalf of those who either cannot or do not know how to use their voices. Gordon and his spouse have lived in Tempe for 15 years, spend a lot of time with family and of course that includes their geriatric rescue kitties Henri and Esther.