MISSION: Our mission is to have pure water for all. The foundation is providing water purifiers in local rural areas people especially to tribal and families with kids in Sirohi, a district of Rajasthan . We have donated more than 500 water purifiers to families in many villages.
My story started off from a busy world, a small village in the Rajasthan district of Sirohi. I travelled around the world, learning new insights and finishing my MBA in Entrepreneurship & Leadership, moving locations. As an individual motivated by curiosity, my studies have allowed me to explore and create new ideas. Still, I decided to devote my time to something that I am serious about with all my heart.

I wanted to go back to my roots for inspiration in order to conquer this hurdle. With my first couple of weeks in Sirohi. Everything I felt wrong about the District's drinking water, and it struck me. To measure a deeper fact, water drunk by the people here, I gathered samples of the water and took them to water lab. The results were so vicious that it was so risky that it would kill some people who couldn't afford to clean it.

This is where the story of The Foundation begins. There is an urgent need to have free access to clean drinking water and we believe it’s our one of the human rights. I was fortunate to meet my friend Kasi Smith in Seattle, we discussed about quality of the water and its overall worst impacts on specially kids and women. Kasi was moved by such a deadly living conditions of the villagers. 

Kasi and I decided to create a Foundation in USA which would help people have access to clean drinking water as well as give people water for free in drought hit areas. We named our foundation RIGHT2WATER FOUNDATION. Its been created in state of Washington USA. Our website is www.right2waterfoundation.org

The recent research shows 90% water in India is contaminated and not drinkable, people who live in rural India cannot afford to clean it. 

We have designed eco-friendly water purifiers made of Terracotta clay and diatomaceous earth filter in it. The clay makes the water alkaline and diatomaceous earth kills the bacteria/dust/impurities. The water purifier doesn’t require electricity and it doesn’t waste the water during filtration, it works on gravity.