In today's episode, we'll be looking at the eye-opening findings of the 2023 Mercer CFA Institute Global Pension Index, which has ranked the Netherlands as the world's leader in retirement systems. Where does the U.S. stand? 22nd among the 47 countries that were ranked. Why so low?

Join us as we analyze some of the intricacies of the U.S. retirement system, breaking down its strengths and weaknesses through the discerning lens of a seasoned financial advisor.


Here’s some of what we discuss in this episode:

1:55 – The grading system + The U.S.’ score
5:15 – Personal responsibility in the U.S. retirement system
16:12 – Suggestions for improvement
19:29 – Reducing retirement leakage + improving income stream
21:58 – Takeaways


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Watch the video podcast on YouTube: Phil's Tax Hacks and Other Retirement Facts