The AT&T Time Warner mega-merger just passed a big legal hurdle and will more than likely become reality soon. What will it mean for you? Fewer choices and higher prices? Mergers and Acquisitions expert, Brad Whitlock explains why maybe this time the Fed should leave "Ma Bell" alone.
Up next, Manny the Movie Guy assigns a rare, 4 out of 4 kisses for one of this weekend's new movies. Which one does Manny "love, love, love?" Is it Incredibles 2, Tag or Superfly?
It's a packed studio of co-hosts today. Joining Phil Hulett are the host of the Ducks n Pucks podcast, Mike Walters, Rock n Roll singer, Kellie Sue Peters, and the host of The Brave Ones podcast, Olivia McLeod. check out this stack of stories: Would you wear a wedding dress made out of THIS? What's with the stupid wardrobe choices in the Jurassic Park series of movies? Phil wonders if Hollywood just can't shake outdated gender roles. We know a talented clarinet player who found out the hard way that his girlfriend is a self-absorbed, conniving idiot. Here's another reason you never need to leave your house. Now Alexa can be your fitness buddy. While you are watching your weight, how about lo-cal alcoholic popsicles? One young woman may have had one alco-push-pop too many after getting her head caught in one of these. Meet the record-breaking donut boy. A pizza delivery chain goes above the call of duty to make out streets safer, and ever the skeptic, Kellie Sue can't help but smell the corporate greed over the altruism and marinara sauce.