Private Investigator Joyce Cox [9:58] reveals what it's like to stealthily sneak, snoop, and snatch people in the act of wrong-doing. Is it dangerous work? Are there cool gadgets? Listen to the interview and see if being a Private Investigator is the line of work for you.
Up next, Travel Dude Gary Warner [30:22] ranks the Hawaiian Islands for honeymooners and plain old romance. Which island do you think he'll pick for number one?
Katie Elsaesser and Kelly Bennett co-host with Phil Hulett. They have these stories: Pigzilla! College degree in Yodeling. Bartender will literally ban you from drinking. The Chizza! Guy delivers record largest pizza. Skier disappears in New York, reappears in Sacramento with no idea how he got there. World Cup of Soccer to come under attack by LOCUSTS! Hot Mess diverts Jet Blue flight. Single Dad walks 11 miles to work until co-workers find out. Giant swimming rats invade California. And finally, woman pulls 14 live worms OUT OF HER EYE!!!