Gonzo Greg and Lauren Howard Hayes join Phil Hulett for this edition of Phil Hulett and Friends. Guests include: CEO of Mercedes-Benz Energy Americas, Boris von Bormann to talk about consumer energy storage. Manny the Movie Guy predicts the winner of the best actor Oscar. Author and Physical Therapist, Marianne Ryan talks about breast massage. Tech Expert Andrea Smith talks about smart devices for your connected home. The Founder of Humane Society of Louisiana, Jeff Dorson reviews research that says dogs can actually understand what you are saying. Plus these stories: Time Magazines worst songs of 2016. Best and worst baby names of 2016. Atlantic swim update. Dominoes gives up on Christmas. Should we stop telling kids about Santa? Elf on the Shelf is ripping children's emotions apart. But is Furby worse? Some illicit drugs may actually be good for you. Who bought the Full House house? The Smart Duvet. And finally, Make-A-Wish grants a kid his wish...to blow stuff up!

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