Do you ever look up on a clear night at the eternal vastness and wonder of the cosmic heavens? Ever pondered the monumental, and seemingly impossible achievement it must have been to land a man on the moon? Ever think of mankind's greatest accomplishment that marked the pinnacle of human achievement that forever changed the course of human history and thought, "Nah..."?

You're not alone.  In some polls, upwards of 20% of Americans still think that they are not being told the whole truth about NASA, the Moon and the Apollo 11 program.  This kind of questioning of the official narrative is usually met immediately with eye rolling and a big sigh. However, if one were to simply take a little time, they would see that there actually are logical reason for all the doubt and distrust. A fifth of Americans can't just be crazy, right? 

In this episode, we take you through the motives and means that naysayers cite as proof that we didn't go to the moon. Join us on our cosmic journey through the history of the Space Race, the monumental undertaking of the Apollo 11 mission, and finally on the strangeness of the Moon itself. Then ask yourself, did NASA really have the balls to fake something that big? 

You decide.

Please note: This episode features explicit language and content

Deleted/Missing Telemetry:
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Fake Moon Rocks

"We destroyed the technology"

"A Funny happened on the Way to the Moon"

Flag  waving


Multiple Light Sources?

No Rover Tracks?

No Dust on Legs

Fake Moon Rocks

Astronaut crew interview

Neil Armstrong cryptic speech

Hollow Moon?

Link Tree

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