Ever pondered the "ultimate question of life, the universe and everything?” Have you ever wondered about the nature of existence or even the structure of reality itself? Or what exactly are the limitations of human consciousness?

If so, chances are that along your journey of spiritual discovery, you may have come across names like John Dee, Aleister Crowley, L. Ron Hubbard, or even Jack Parsons.  Usually followed with words like occult, miracle, and of course magic.

Magic (or Magick) is often described as the belief that unrelated events are causally connected, despite the absence of any measurable causal link between them. Furthermore, some deeply believe that Magick is the application of spells and rituals employed in the belief that they can subdue or manipulate natural (or even supernatural) forces and beings.

Arthur C. Clarke may have said it best when he stated: “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” 

But what is Magick really? Human culture is replete with tales of wondrous unexplainable phenomenon but today the concept is considered fantastical or is even mocked when portrayed in pop culture. Yet every major religion has references to some form of ancient Magick. Could this suggest that perhaps at one point in time, it was something tangible and ubiquitous and has long since been collectively forgotten? 

Magick is said to be many things. It is an art, a tool, and a philosophy. It is a reminder that our thoughts and beliefs can shape our reality. Even the words we use are Magick, if you use them with the power of will. Even our very thoughts hold the power of limitless potential that can manifest in the real world.

Is Magick just woo woo? Or is it something more?

You decide

00:00 INTRO
01:00 Where do beliefs come from?
05:01 Terms (What is Magick?)
20:12 Natural Law
29:00 The Divinity of Humanity/Free will
31:45 Human Consciousness
34:24 Man's law VS. Nature's law
36:50 Why Magick?
41:45 John Dee
47:52 Aleister Crowley 
1:01:52 What is Consciousness?
1:03:40 The OTO
1:07:20 L. Ron Hubbard
1:22:09 Jack Parsons
1:31:00 The Babalon Workings/ the  Moon Child
1:38:06 The Ultimate Question


Whats this thing you're doing with your hands?

Subliminal Advertising (Smoke!)

Why are Angels so jelly?

Miracles performed by Jesus

Apocalypto Eclipse Scene (The Priest Class)

Jimmy Page on the Golden Dawn

What is Consciousness?


Iron dome

Richard Pryor 

Eddie Murphy on Sammy Davis Jr.


-Sex and Rockets: The Occult World of Jack Parsons by John Carter
-You Forever by Tuesday Lobsang Rampa

Robert Anton Wilson
Mark Devlin
Gordon White
Isaac Weishaupt 
Alan Green
Carl Abrahamson 
Jason Louv
Mark Passio 
Tobias Churton 
Col. Michael Aquino


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