Ever wonder if mind control is real? How about brainwashing and mental conditioning? Is the concept of a Manchurian Candidate entirely fanciful? Well, in the midst of the massive social change that was free-love and the counterculture America collectively experienced call the '60s, the United States Government was on it's own journey of self-discovery to scientifically answer those dark and mysterious questions by creating and funding a program that would test the very limits of what is possible in the realm of bending men's minds, and at times, to the very breaking point. Using a cornucopia of methods involving a combination of electroshock treatment, behavioral conditioning and hard psychedelic drugs. One such program was the infamous "Project MK-Ultra."  

Were these clandestine experiments done by our intelligence agency on unsuspecting citizens entirely necessary and for the greater good? Acceptable collateral damage in order to protect America and her allies from those pesky Ruskiis? Could we ill afford a Mind Control Gap? Or was it all just another unfortunate case of yet another reckless runaway program, long on support and funding but, unfortunately, short on oversight and accountability?

You decide.

For more MK Ultra, check out Episode 9: Monarchs of Mass Manipulation


State of Mind

The Minds of Men

The Century of the Self

Two Key Things That Got Overlooked About MK Ultra

The Secret History of LSD, MK-Ultra and the CIA

Archer does 30 years of covert CIA history in 90 secs


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