Originally recorded during the 4th annual Patients as Partners US event held in Philadelphia, March 2017, Bristol-Myers Squibb’s Mary Stober-Murray moderates this multi-stakeholder panel to discuss what patients truly want when it comes to clinical care and patient involvement. Patients John Creveling, a Parkinson’s Foundation Research Advocate, and Deb Maskens from the International Kidney Cancer Coalition, join her and representing the industry perspective are Paul Graves from Takeda Pharmaceuticals and Dr Michelle Vichnin from Merck.

Closing the gap between clinical care and patients wants/needs:

• Ask patients what’s going on in their lives.

• Ask patients what their goals are.

• Because no one asks patients these questions, the result is they get care that’s aligned with what the doctor thinks is clinically relevant, even though it may be completely out of context to what is important to the patient.

What patients want and how pharma can help:

• Identify what patients and industry want respectively in terms of patient involvement and why that is meaningful for each.

• What can we do to enhance this across the development pipeline?

• What is getting in the way? Identify hurdles.

• How can we work through this collaboratively?

Initially developed out of the first DPharm event, the Patients as Partners US program seeks to understand and incorporate the patient's voice in designing clinical trials and developing a clinical endpoint, as well as vastly improve the patient's entire experience in a clinical trial. The 5th annual Patients as Partners US will be March 15-16, 2018, in Philadelphia.