This panel, moderated by Dr Priti Hegde, Genentech, discusses the following:
How can biomarkers act as a tool for understanding the biology at a level that is sufficient for making decisions around combinations?What are the potential biomarkers that can help predict if a patient will respond to combinations?Once a biomarker is identified in terms of biology, been measured and the technology platform identified to meet those measures, how is the biomarker developed to the level of clinical grade that meets approval?How do we validate diagnostics in IO/combinations?How do you satisfy regulators?Are there other biomarkers in development?What are the implications for intervention?Are biomarkers and companion diagnostics crucial for rational combination success?
Save the date for IO Combinations 360° happening June 20-21, 2019 at the Wyndham Historic District Hotel, Philadelphia, PA and for IO360° happening February 26-28, 2020 at the Crowne Plaza Times Square in New York City.