Nanotechnology Keynote Address given by Omid Farokhzad, MD, Professor, Harvard Medical School and Director, Center for Nanomedicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital

Omid Farokhzad is an inventor of more than 145 issued / pending patents. These for the launch of four biotechnology companies: BIND Therapeutics (acquired by Pfizer) Selecta Biosciences, Tarveda Therapeutics (formerly Blend Therapeutics) and Placon Therapeutics (spin-out from Tarveda), which are translating the aforementioned academic innovations toward commercialization and societal impact. Dr Farokhzad has served in various capacities on the Board of Directors and the Scientific Advisory Board of these companies. 

In his lecture, Dr Farokhzad will be focusing on the emerging understanding of the nano-bio interactions and its implications for developing safer and more effective therapeutic and diagnostic modalities. Nanotechnology enabled drug delivery approaches for predictive and personalized medicines will be discussed with emphasis on the lessons that been learned during their bench-to- bedside translation. 

Omid Farokhzad, MD 

Professor, Harvard Medical School and Director Center for Nanomedicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital 

This talk was given at the 7rth annual Partnership Opportunities for Drug Delivery (PODD) Meeting in 2017.