Drug Delivery Needs in Oncology

Due to the increasing number of parenteral biologic therapies that are administered intravenously, the already high pressure on infusion capacity and healthcare resources is expected further increase. A change from intravenous to subcutaneous dosing has been shown to reduce dosing complexity and overall drug administration related costs. There is keen interest in technologies that facilitate subcutaneous administration and potentially enable drug administration in the home setting. 
Led by: Beate Bittner, PhD
 Portfolio Strategy Director, Roche 
Panelists: Panel: H Janice Adkins, MBA
Associate Director Marketing, BD Medical The exp Pharmaceutical Systems, North America EMEA
Ulrich Bruggemann
Head Academics and Innovation, Global Medical Devices of the Development, Sanofi US
Shawn Davis, PhD
Director, Technology Strategy and Innovation, Amgen
Declan Reilly
Section Head, Device Engineering, Device Development PTDE-D, Roche
Andrew J Yee, MD Medical Oncologist, Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center 
This presentation took place at the 7th Annual Partnership Opportunities in Drug Delivery (PODD) 2017.