On this week's podcast, we discuss Brexit. UK and EU leaders announced some progress on Brexit this week, establishing a conditional transition period after the UK exits the Union in 2019. But that does not resolve many questions and concerns in the medtech space of what's to come. Here is a deep dive into where things stand. For more information about Medtech Insight and to sign up for a free trial go to bit.ly/2w7LnlR.

Medtech Insight articles addressing topics discussed in this episode:
Brexit To Force Large-Scale Review Of Medtech Contractual Arrangements Throughout EU: https://bit.ly/2HSXJko
UK Medtechs Stress Need To Get It Right On Brexit As Prime Minister Addresses EU: https://bit.ly/2ueVhTw
One UK Notified Body To Be Phased Out This Year As It Moves To Sweden: https://bit.ly/2G1puqz
MedTech Europe CEO Shakes Up Industry On Brexit In Mission To Help It: https://bit.ly/2pwoeEU
Prepping For Brexit With Notified Body Switch Could Be Unnecessary Expense, BSI Warns: https://bit.ly/2pyokMm