PEG Interviews Poly Artist/Musician LOBEN


Løben is a project that was born in summer 2018 in order to create a musical context that would encompass the elements of the author’s favorite genres, who was long fascinated by the darkest and heaviest metal sub genres and the rebellious spirit of early rock‘n’roll. Behind all this also lies a visual/artistic aspect, in which has been Rihard Lobenwein - Løben has been experimenting for years, ex- pressing his own voice in a syncretistic way that always strives to contrast and challenge the rules dictated by the artistic establishment.

It is this amalgamation of different styles and artistic panoramas the elevates the project above the mere musical performance and helps create a dark, evocative atmosphere that describes a miniature world that is raw, starving, spoiled of any embellishments and helps emerge the darkest traits of the human mind.

Løben (guitar and vocals) is accompanied by the whole squad, which consists of Andrea Bazzara on the bass and synth, Igor Ambrosino on the guitar and Luca Zazzaron on the drums.

Spotify About Artst:

\\ Your grandma's favorite opera singer. // Loben is a poly artist as well known as "one man everything". Painter, singer and great guitar player, having never thought about making music for big store distribution before the early 2019 when he casually met the Mold Records Label. Immediately started a strong collaboration between Loben and Mold and for the first year the production line was dedicated to Sing Songs with official videoclip one by one. After the first releases "Funeral of our Love" and "Devil in Disguise" the next step was to take out a cover by Billie Eilish "Bad Guy" in a complete crazy Loben style version. In February 2020 was released "Outcast" with the new official videoclip. Now probably is time to announce the next release in 2020 that will be a complete EP. The sound that is a dark tex-mex countryside blues is everytime something that will be perfect for a Quentin Tarantino's Film. The project for the recording and live gigs has taken a great collaboration with some strong musician (Igor Ambrosino,Anrea Bazzara, Luca Zazzaron, Mathias Butul) The best thing is "Everytime Loben has a crazy idea about song or video, Mold Records make it's crazier and start work on it. Stay tuned for more news coming soon!!!





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