Leonardo is a pianist, composer and aerospace engineer. And he will play the first piano concert on Mars.

You can define his compositions as Contemporary Space Music, where he merges the traditional acoustic piano and synthesizer being played live at the same time, very often hacking different techniques.

Born in Venice, Italy, Leonardo Barilaro discovered the piano at the age of 6 and astronomy at 9. At the age of 12, by reading Isaac Asimov, playing Beethoven and Bach, listening to Queen, Steve Vai and Robert Miles, he decided he would travel the Space and play his music outside planet Earth. So he became a professional pianist AND an aerospace engineer.​

The Journey of Leonardo hit important milestones to reach his Dream. As a pianist he graduated at the Music Conservatory in Italy, studying composition and developing his passion for synths and electronic music. He was mentored by Jordan Rudess, Dream Theater's keyboardist. In the meanwhile he graduated with a PhD in Aerospace Engineering at the University of Padova, researching on hypervelocity impacts and space safety. During those years he did a concert at the ESRANGE Space Center in cold Sweden while taking part in his first space mission with the SCRAT Project.

In 2006 he created the Music House to develop his View - the project 'Nullo Die Sine Nota’. The Latin sentence means 'Not A Day Without a Note'. He recorded four studio albums and one EP, with new music in the flow. He played in several countries like Italy, Germany, UK, Netherlands, and Turkey. He teamed up with many artists during the years, like Yossi Sassi, Mariangela Demurtas, Aliki Chrysochou, Lera Smirnova, Victoria Kryukova and Anna Utopia Giordano. In the last nine years, he has worked with several dancers too; the latest chapter of this experience is 'BlackShip', an innovative show for contemporary music, contemporary fusion dance and visual art.

In 2016 Leonardo moved to Malta. He wanted to discover himself, islands are the perfect metaphor of our planet, and an excellent place for freediving…and it is actually working! Nearly forgetting, he is also passionate about martial arts and photography.​

Thanks to this move on his chessboard, he met the Turkish Princess of his heart. As a side note, he is a Researcher for the Institute of Aerospace Technologies at the University of Malta and Senior Lecturer in Aviation at MCAST. He works on cool space stuff and plays his grand piano in front of the Sea, symbol of the Universe.​

Everyday Leonardo takes a new step forward his Dream, wishing to bring on Mars with him also the people closest to his music.

Watch the videopodcast on YouTube:

Seed YouTube Video

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