Jesse says:
If you asked me 12 years ago if I thought
I could make it as a professional music producer, I would have told you HELL NO.

Because…there is nothing special about me. 

I work from my home studio in Southern California with an iMac, keyboard and a pair of speakers. I can play drums and guitar but I’m no virtuoso rockstar. I can’t read music and I couldn’t tell you what notes are in a F# major scale

As of today I have over 1,100 tracks (4,000+ including “alt-mixes”) being licensed on over 100 US TV Networks and over 40 countries worldwide. I created this course because I want to share my story and knowledge with struggling artists, producers and songwriters. I’ve been there; I know this business can be brutal.  BUT I found a way to succeed.

And now I want to show you exactly how…