Kirat and Prakhar talk about contemplative sciences, Kirat's journey with Buddhism, the Feminine, the masculine, the dance of the two, mental health, plant medicine, meditation and finding yourself.

Kirat is a certified meditation instructor and contemplative mentor for women. She is also a student of psychology and contemplative sciences at Columbia University. You can find Kirat's mentorship program at

About Kirat- Kirat is currently a student at Columbia University studying the role of contemplative training within the field of psychology and how associated practices can be used as instruments for individual and societal transformation. From completing research at The Contemplative Sciences Center at The University of Virginia to working with underserved communities across New York City, she works to identify and deconstruct the multilayered conditioning that prohibits human flourishing. Kirat aims to obtain her doctorate in clinical psychology and integrate Buddhist philosophy into a traditional psychotherapeutic framework to support clients on their path toward self-actualization