Previous Episode: Episode 022
Next Episode: Episode 024

Mark Challifoux AND Dave Waite interviewed? Yes sir. It’s a sort of homecoming with two Cincy comics now yuking it up in New York City. My Christmas present to you is you don’t have to suffer through some lame bit, but you do get Fake News!


Dave Waite and friends (including Mark Challifoux) at Go Bananas December 21-23.

Jim Leugers is at Cracker’s Comedy Club in Indianapolis December 20.

Mike Travers is at the Improv in Pittsburgh December 23. Bill Crawfrord headlines.

PF is at Muggbees Sports Café on Beechmont Avenue in Cincinnati. Tuesday December 27 for PF Trivia Live.

PF’s Tape Recorder logo designed by Dan Koabel.

Email the show here.

Rate the podcast below and/or in iTunes, if you’d be so kind. Thanks! Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and Happy Holidays all around. Probably taking next week off. See ya in 2012!