
On today's podcast, I share excerpts from the following:

Left, Right, and Center podcast from KCRW (May 29 and June 5 episodes) with Josh Barro, Christine Emba, Rich Lowry, and Robert A. George. Martin Luther King, I have a dream speech 1963Course in Miracles, IntroductionTao Te Ching, chapters 1-3, by Lao Tzu (translation by Brian Browne Walker)James Baldwin, from The Price of the Ticket, 1979Creative Quest, by Questlove, p. 117Bhagavad Gita, II.54, translated by Swami SivanandaBhagavad Gita, Introduction, by Mahatma GandhiThe Late Show, Cory Booker, June 5,2020Tantra, the Path of Ecstacy, by Georg Feuerstein, p. 35"What Lightning Flash," by Paramahansa Yogananda

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