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This August 24 New Scientist article is light on detail- there might be a theory if we look elsewhere. I think there is something on the idea of a sky of events passing through your now. It is clear that there is a fundamental pixel size of information expressed by Planck's constant. The time integral of the Lagrangian is the action and I feel that this in someway goes to answer why this is so. Perhaps I was not cluey enough to see the proof for why the systems obey this law of selecting the lowest value of line integral. The devil for entanglement is in the detail. You need the key to add to your random data that you measure to find the faster than light message. Say you are in the nearest star some 4 light years away, and some genius has two years earlier set up an twin laser beam of entangled photons moving from the centre. You want to have a faster than light conversation via the spooky action at a distance channels so you take measurements of your photon for circular polarization. If you don't have a beam of photons of randomized polarization there is nothing for you to measure. Now if you measure linear circular in a from of Morse code, the person back homes results just measuring circular polarization will still be random, but if the save their information for four years they can get your results that you have sent them and confirm that you cant break the laws of quantum mechanics and determine exactly two conjugate variables. However you could also cut out alot of complexity and just send your message. There is lots of interesting things you can do because you can only send information by this method once, and if you have an agreed signal that you transmit and it doesn't get through you know someone has been snooping on it. However you can forget about moving information faster than the speed of light. Very long winded but I hope this helps.

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