In relation to this episode, I just wanted to share this excerpt from Gary Vee's LinkedIn post way back in 2015:

"Maybe you’re reading this and you’re 45. Or 54. Maybe you had one goal in life, one set dream, and you’re starting to think it’s too late. You missed your chance. I am writing this with one sole purpose: to tell you that it is not. If you have it in you, if you the fire, the drive, the’s not over. I want this article to give you the audacity to just go and do it."


So yeah, just act on it. Whatever it is that's at the back of your mind that you always wanted to do but wasn't able to because of an insecurity, lack of confidence or maybe an external factor that says "you don't have to" or "you can't do it". Forget about those things and take the chance to do it. 

This is also the 9th scroll from Og Mandino's book, The Greatest Salesman in the World: I Will Act Now!