I find it fascinating how a simple but conscious action you make will make a big difference down the line in the future. That's one of the many advantages of investing for the long term, the upside is their and you eliminate almost all of the stress and hassle of daily trading activities. Of course, from time to time (ideally every quarter or every 6 months), you have to recalibrate your portfolio to make sure it's at its finest condition. You need to reassess which companies are aligned to your goals and which aren't.

Take SMC's case for example. Their stock was trading at around ₱0.82 per share back in 1984. 36 years later, it's around ₱138.80. I know that's a long time but imagine putting in a measly 1000 shares for ₱8200 and 36 years after it's worth ₱1,388,000. That's not even the peak price for SMC, it could still go up (and of course down, sad reality) in the future.

So if you're still thinking twice or overthinking about investing, I hope this episode helps you make your decision and just do it. And as always, please remember to do you homework, folks! Buy a stock that you're comfortable with at a price point that you're comfortable with.

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