Well, what do you know? It’s already the end of the year! Yeah, time flies, right? I don’t know about you, but this year has been extra stressful. Collectively, we have seen some truly troubling events. The Mueller report… indictments of Trump allies… wildfires and other natural disasters … impeachment of the president… And, most tragically, several mass shootings. And that was just on the news! All that in addition to the day to day rigors of work and family. Now, as we careen toward the holiday season, I have an idea that will minimize stress and fill your heart with a sense of good will. Rather than stressing about what holiday gifts to buy everyone -- after all, more than just Christmas is observed in December -- contribute to local charities in honor of your loved ones. I always thought those public service announcements about the gift of giving were rather hokey, but the feeling of a selfless act is just the thing we all need to connect ourselves to higher ideals. Here in DeKalb