We hear a healthcare entrepreneur’s perspective on healthcare from Andrew Mills on this episode of the Perspectives on Healthcare Podcast with Rob Oliver. Andrew is a member of Generation X. He is the founder and CEO of a company called CareTrack. He lives in Georgia. Although he’s not a medical practitioner, he brings a unique and interesting viewpoint.

Here are 3 things that stood out as Andrew Mills gave us a healthcare entrepreneur’s perspective on healthcare:

There are several different ways to support patients living in the community who may need occasional in the home supports that are beyond traditional office visits.
Technology helps in creating understandable care plans, remote monitoring and enhanced quality of life for patients.
The future of healthcare is exciting as treatments begin to emphasize a holistic approach and implement new technologies. The results will improve patient outcomes and enhance overall well-being.

You can learn more about Andrew Mills and Care Track through the links below:

Website: http://caretrack.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/care_track
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CareTrackHealth/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/drewjmills

Rob Oliver is “Your Keynote Speaker”, addressing quality healthcare, resilience and excellence in adversity. To book Rob Oliver as a speaker at your next event visit:


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Disclaimer: All opinions expressed by guests on the Perspectives on Healthcare Podcast are solely the opinion of the guest. They are not to be misconstrued as medical diagnoses or medical advice. Please consult with a licensed medical professional before attempting any of the treatments suggested.

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