Unexpected and profound insights from smart people you’d like to meet. Today my guest is Grace Kingston a multi-disciplinary conceptual artist. Thematically Grace looks at notions of connectedness, intimacy, identity and how they manifest themselves in our every day lives and the spaces and environments we occupy. These works often manifest themselves as installation, sculpture, textile and photography work, or some combination of those mediums. Grace has exhibited New York, Finland and Germany. In Australia, Grace has had works in various exhibitions including the Blake Prize for Religious Art. In some of her art making, Grace explores the experience of the natural environment and how this might be transported and reimagined within more artificial and constructed environments such as those mediated by technology and social media. Due to the visual nature of Grace’s artworks, you might like to check out some images whilst listening to this episode. Grace’s website is http://gracekingston.com/ where you can find images of many of the artworks that are discussed, as well as a link to her instagram account. Here’s my conversation with Grace Kingston.

Here you are: http://gracekingston.com/portfolio/here-you-are-archive-space/
Finnish Mossy works: http://gracekingston.com/portfolio/deep-solitude-archive-space/
Clovelly Mossy works: http://gracekingston.com/portfolio/20-09-17-home-735-gallery/
Casula Powerhouse Fashion Co-lab: http://gracekingston.com/portfolio/ae-x-gk-orange-moss-casula-powerhouse-arts-centre/