Learn the stories behind 10 of Frida Owinga's favorite "aha" moments including:

Challenges grow and empower you for greater influence and impact.
Progress supersedes perfection. (Prov 4:18)
Things are always working for you In God’s Style and Time. (Rom 8:28) (Meme)
A living vision is an antidote for Challenges. (Heb 12:1-3) (Meme)
Trust God and Love people. John 17: 13-21 (Meme)
Profit is God’s will and desire for us. Isa 48:17, III John 1:2
You can be Right without being Relevant. I Cor 10:23 (Meme)
Ridiculous faith yields Remarkable Results. Phil 4:19 (Meme)
It's not the hours we put in work that count but the faith we put in the hours we work.Prov 10:22
Your most dominant thought determines your prevailing experience.Prov 23:7

Frida Owinga is the Founder of PassionProfit and Founders Profit Academy where she serves as a business breakthrough coach to support small and growing business owners to generate the cash they need to make the profit they desire in her quest to end poverty and create wealth & abundance for all.  www.PassiontoProfit.co

F: Godly Prosperity