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Rhonda de la Moriniere is an author, speaker, blogger with a heart for the broken. She longs to see women move past the fears that keep them from fully embracing God and one-another. Learn more at www. PerfectMess.org. 

Lisa Giesler is a published author, speaker, and professional organizer. A native of New Orleans, married, and the mother of two, Lisa encourages others to become uncluttered in their space and lives. Learn more at www.LisaGiesler.com

Michele Giletto teaches women how to move from routine religion to life-giving faith. Founder of Gathered In Grace Prayer Ministry and the dynamic online community Women Gathered, Michele is also a certified Integrative Health Coach and full-time healthcare director, Michele is caregiver to her husband and happily raising her two teen-aged children. Learn more at www.MicheleGilleto.com

Teresa Nelson is a pastor, teacher, auctioneer, and the author of “Tender Mercies for Tough Moments.” She and her husband, Steve, have 4 grown children and 9 grandchildren. Learn more at https://www.WomenSpeakers.com