During this hour with Marnie and guest, Lisa Giesler, you’ll discover:

The 5 top reasons to get more organized starting ASAP
The 3 types of clutter and how they affect your path to organization
How to get beyond temporary, surface-only organizational solutions (= getting my space organized and nothing else)
The very first step to take toward your new, organized, uncluttered life
Why being organized is freeing vs. confining, and why it can’t result in perfection
Calendar organization strategies
How to declutter your internal spaces (forgiveness, self-esteem, hopelessness…)
Why things always get messy on the journey toward getting better
An insider strategy for getting to sleep and getting going in the morning (music)
A simple habit to adopt yet today (journaling is part of the journey)
The power of accountability and when to call in reinforcements.

Lisa Giesler is a published author, speaker and professional organizer. A native of New Orleans, Lisa is married, and mother of two. She enjoys a career of helping others to create an enjoyable and productive life with uncluttered souls and spaces. Learn more at https://lisagiesler.com