During this hour with Marnie and Jelise you'll discover:

- Why you must face your pain before expecting healing

- The hidden, crippling power of unforgiveness

- God's amazing plan to help you forgive even unthinkable offenses

- Three benefits of forgiving your offender, even if they take zero responsibility

- How to trust God (especially when forgiving seems scary)

- Why all forgiveness journeys aren't equal and how to embrace yours

- How to both forgive AND set boundaries, and

- A happy surprise (God is full of surprises)

Jelise Ballon is a writer, educator, and speaker, Women's Ministry Leader at Compass Community Church near Winchester, VA, who leads retreats, provides teaching workshops, and runs the Renew & Restore Retreat annually. Married to David for 20 years, they have three teenagers. Her first book, Forgiven and Restored is being released summer 2019 by Eliezer Tristan Publishing. Learn more at https://neitherheightnordepth.com