Early hardship shapes Dan's life, and bitcoin is the vehicle of his choice for turning his financial hardships to success. This is a long deep episode, we talk about how to cancel bad habits, how to stop them from forming in the first place, how to schedule your day to be very productive and make sure that you get the things you need to finish get completed. We also talk about various issues from the educational system in North America, to crisis around the world, to psychological theories like the self-determination theory (competence, relatedness, and autonomy), how to be financially competent and  even how Dan actually ran for President of the USA as a write-in candidate.   

***This segment is Part 2 out of 3 part series with Dan***
We have edited out a majority of the swearing, but we may have missed some language (so just a warning). To make these edits fun, I have used the word "zoom" for swearing and "Loop" for specific names. I have run this by Dan to make sure he is okay with this too :)!   Long one, but definitely a lot of value if you're interested in bitcoin, how to persevere through hardship, personal finance, how to run as a presidential candidate, and more!  Let us know your thoughts down below in the comments section!  
Dan's links:  
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