The more complicated you make your finances, the more the tyranny of their complexity can rule your life.

1) What you see vs what you think.

If it’s a mess on the outside, it’s a mess on the inside.  House, car, clothes, garage, body, finances.  No different.

2) The un-manifest and the manifest.

What hasn’t shown up vs what has shown up vs what you think and do they match?  If not, this can cause anxiety.

3) Write down your income vs your expenses.

POP your finances.  Put it on paper.  Take what you’ve been thinking about and force yourself to see it in writing.  Feedback from students on this one.

Less bills to pay.  Less moving parts.  Less to worry/think about.  Fewer checks to write.  More money in the bank?


Charles Hugh Smith

Get Your Mind Straight.  Get Your Money Straight.

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