What do you spend most of your time thinking about?

In this discussion I’ll venture to say you spend most of your time thinking about Sex (early age) and then Money (as you mature) and then both.

1) What is sex?  Six = Earthly matters.  666 The number of the beast.  Animal, of the earth.  Division.  A seed fertilizes an egg.  That one cell divides into two, etc.  Two become one then one becomes two.  Look at the number 6.  Freudian representation of male genitalia.  A lower case letter A is the same.  Just a 6 turned to the left.  It’s about how much can I get or how much can I give.  Sound like money?

2) What is Money?  The exchange of human energy.  Pieces of paper or numbers in a computer that represent your physical/mental work.  You exchange the paper/numbers in a computer for food, clothing, shelter, etc.  It’s all about how much can I get or how much can I give.  Sound like sex?

3) Sex and Money one in the same?  Physical sex is exchange of energy.  Money is exchange of energy.

Closing:  Both Sex and Money are of the earth.  Physical.  3D.

The point is, slow down.  Take time to reflect on what you reflect on most often.  Awareness is key.  Be the observer as if you’re observing yourself having the thoughts.  Practicing this pulls you, temporarily, out of being trapped in your body and worldly thoughts.

Resource: You.  Practice meditation.  Simple, quiet time with no distractions.  Teaching the mind to be still.

Get in touch.  Podcast page.  email or voicemail button.

I’m Greg Whitaker reminding you:

Get Your Mind Straight.  Get Your Money Straight

Debt Shepherd 2017, All Rights Reserved