In this week's episode of the Old Souls & Seekers podcast, we're stoked to share with you a conversation about how to finally get out of suffering and identify and break free from lifelong unconscious patterns so that you can step into living the life you deserve to live.

In Today's Episode: Why You Are Suffering And How To Break The Pattern Identifying And Breaking Free From Your Unconscious Loops How To Finally Let Go Of Your Money Blocks How To Manifest A Major Breakthrough in The Next 6 Weeks ....And MUCH MORE!

We've all been programmed since an early age by the environment we grew up in. Whether it was what your parents believed and talked about around money, how the treated each other, or the people who mistreated you at school.

You don’t have problems - You have patternsGuy Ferdman

The beliefs and traumas that affected you strongly in childhood never went away and they still run your life from a deep subconscious level. The protection mechanisms in your system will do everything it can to stop you from re-experiencing the pain and trauma in new situations as an adult.

So, when you decide to go after your dreams as an adult, whether that be starting a new job, business, new relationship, or trying to earn more money... If you have limiting beliefs and traumas stored in your unconscious around these areas, chances are your protection mechanisms will kick in and unconsciously do whatever it takes to stop you from experiencing the pain again.

This manifests itself in patterns and loops of avoidance, procrastination, negative thoughts or simply giving up on going for it.

In today's episode we'll give you the insights and tools to overcome your unconscious blocks and finally put an end to the suffering that is stopping you from reaching your full potential. Tune in!

Episode Timestamps:

5.00 Transformation and urgency

7.00 No one takes free seriously

11.00 Loops and lessons

18.00 Meeting the subconscious needs

25.00 Giving support vs receiving support

30.00 Break free from stuckness

38.00 Patterns and programming

44.00 Money breakthroughs 

53.00 Trusting your intuition

63.00 Awareness and healing

The programs you unconsciously got from the environment when you were young still runs the show - until you consciously change itIlan Ferdman

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