Grab a seat and listen to Kaitlin Zhang and Dannielle Bardowell discuss how you can optimize your LinkedIn profile.

Your Linkedin profile can say a lot about your personal brand online. Grab a seat and listen to Kaitlin Zhang and Dannielle Bardowell discuss how you can optimize your LinkedIn profile.


Main Takeaways

Have a great photo and banner image on your Linkedin.
Carefully craft your title.
Fill out as much information as you can.


Actionable next step

Take a look at the example Linkedin profile that Kaitlin made:


0:16 Impactful changes you can make to your LinkedIn

2:13 Example of a good LinkedIn profile

4:08 Kaitlin's approach to writing a good summary/overview

5:48 Criteria for connecting with someone on LinkedIn


7 Easy Ways to Improve Your Personal Brand On Linkedin


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