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I have got dozens and dozens and dozens of launches under my belt. At this point, since I've been running my online business full time since 2011, I've brought in multiple seven figures of income, mostly through launches. And I have learned over the years that the tactic that you use to launch isn't nearly as important as understanding why do these tactics actually work and what needs to happen in order for a launch to be effective? So in today's episode, I want to share with you the things that I was considering as I prepared for a. Beautiful, but very tiny launch on very little time and with very little help so that I could maximize the results that I got.
[00:00:51] So coming into this launch, I only had 66 people signed up for my email list, 66 that's it it's like the tiniest little email launch ever, you know, like I've had over 120,000 people on an email list for my photography business. So going to launching from multiple thousands of people to launching two 66, people took.
[00:01:45] Big shift in mindset. So as I was preparing for this, knowing what I know, no now as a bright entrepreneur with all sorts of experience behind me, I knew that the more personal I could be with my people and the more I could make deep connections with my people, the more effective my launch would be. In fact, you know, I was putting into you other stuff I didn't need.
[00:02:08] Okay. Let's let's just talk about how crazy this was. I did not even have a sales page on the first day of open cart. All I had was an order form and. I didn't even get a video or anything up until the next day now. So I literally set up my sales page in like 90 minutes.
[00:02:26]Because I know that I get really sucked in and I want it to be perfect. And I know writing really great copy takes awhile. And I knew that if I didn't set a timer for myself and give myself a limit on how long I was allowed to spend time working on the sales page that I would spend.
[00:02:41] All of my time there and that it wouldn't be nearly as effective as the other things that I wanted to do, which I'll explain to you in a minute. So I made a really basic sales page, super duper basic, started with a problem, talked about my solution. shared a few. Case studies and talked about what was actually going to be covered in the course and how it was going to work and then had a call to action to join the workshop.
[00:03:06] I should call it a workshop. It's kind of like a course workshop, whatever, just like the term workshop better. So anyways, it doesn't matter. So I did that super, super first draftee. They barely even have finished first draft missing, all sorts of elements that you should find on a really persuasive sales page, super effective sales page.
[00:03:25] I know all the stuff that should go into it. And yet I got it done. Done is better than perfect. Right? So that's one thing that you should know going into this just a total side note is better to be done in launch and not have it to be perfect than to not take action and keep waiting. But what I did instead, the place that I spent the majority of my time was in two places, number one, and getting content out on a mass basis, which was for me, This podcast. In fact, you can go back and listen to the five episodes that I created to promote the enrollment period of my launch.
[00:04:03] And frankly, I kind of put those together last minute as well. They were not scripted. Normally I like to script things that are more of a sales. Type of, you know, selling mechanism, so to speak, not scripted at all, totally off the cuff, but it spoke to my heart. So we had that and then emails to back them up so that people could know that these were happening and get some of their questions answered via email to the whole 66 people who were signed up.
[00:04:29] I just laugh because it's such a tiny number. It's fine. It's it was great though. But then the thing that I really focused on the second. Thing was, getting really personal and trying to have as many, one on one conversations with the people as I could, you can reach out when you've got 66 people and talk to every single one or at least try to.
[00:04:51] And so that's what I did. I used a software called video ask, which I absolutely. Love it's, there's a lot of different uses for it. Honestly, I think it's best for collecting testimonials and feedback from your people, but it allowed me to send custom videos to everybody who had signed up either for my waitlist or for my podcast.
[00:05:08] No, those combined were 66 people just to be really, really clear here, not a lot of people. So I spent a few hours one day after I. Made my sales page. You know, I put my timer on, finished my sales page. It's a good enough tested it to make sure it worked. And then I went and I sent customized videos to every single person and asked to get to know them better.
[00:05:29] Let them know that the bright future method workshop was open and invited them to join. And it was very simple. The video messages were around 90 seconds long give or take a little bit, but they were different for every single person. I use their name in the video. I spoke to them directly. Okay. If I knew some of them or I'd had conversations with some of them prior, I reached out and I mentioned our prior conversations or.
[00:05:54] Bring details into the video that would show them that I remembered who they were. And I also reached out to a couple people on Instagram or Facebook that I had had some conversations with and ask them personally, if they were interested in joining now, you can't do this. When you've got 66,000 people signed up for your email list and you're launching to the masses.
[00:06:15] But when you're small, you can add absolutely get super personal like this. And the benefits are twofold. Number one. It's far more effective when you can reach out to somebody personally. So anytime you can leverage that personal touch in a real way, that's going to be. Far more effective when it comes to selling than just sending an email that you're sending to everybody else, the more personal and specific you can get to the person you're talking to, the more effective and relevant your message is going to be for them guarantee.
[00:06:48] And so few people are doing this, that it really stands out from the crowd to have this happening. . But the second benefit is, is that you learn your people inside out when you talk to them personally. So the software I was using allowed them to send a video or an audio or a text right back to my phone.
[00:07:07] So we could have a conversation right then. And right there. Now this shaped my messaging for the entire launch. There were things that people said in their responses that I was like, Oh man, I didn't even think about that as being an issue that were incredibly helpful for me in shaping my messaging. And I would never have known had I not reached out to them personally.
[00:07:32] So not only is it more effective in helping get more people into your. Business, whether it's into a course or a membership or whatever it is you're selling, but it's also going to help you get Supreme clarity on the messaging that you need to use in order to have an effective leader. No, I cannot tell you how important having clear messaging is.
[00:07:55] It's why we spend so much time focusing on that and the bright future method workshop, because the more clearly you can communicate your message, the more. Easily people can like no off the bat, if your product service membership, whatever it is, whatever your offer is, if that's really a good fit for them, they should know pretty quick.
[00:08:17] If this is something they want or need. And if this is going to be a good fit for them. So when our messaging is tight, man, everything falls into place. So being personal, building these relationships and reaching out people one-on-one helped me get. A very high conversion rate on a very tiny list made over $10,000 from 66 people, which is pretty dang impressive when you look at all the numbers and break them down.
[00:08:42] But also Gabe me so much clarity on how I could strengthen my message, which you should always be strengthening. Every time you launch, no matter how long you've been launching your product, you should become more and more clear every single year that you launch every single time that you launch, because you have these conversations because you hear the questions they're asking because you better understand your people.
[00:09:08] So I would say without a doubt, The one thing that I have learned through all of these years from launching that makes the biggest difference and launches, and the final results is building a true relationship with your people, connecting with them as personally, as you possibly can. And now that's going to look absolutely different, whether you have 66 people or 6,000 people or 60,000 people.
[00:09:35] You're going to do it in different ways and that's okay. But the more you can connect with them, the more you can build that relationship with them, the more that you can talk with them and make them feel like you're having a conversation with them instead of just talking at them or to them. The more effective your launches are going to be.
[00:09:56] So the tactics in this case are less important than the underlying principle of building connection and really connecting. And building that relationship on a personal level with them. In fact, this was verified because when people come into my group, I asked them, why did you decide to join? Cause we're doing this within a Facebook group.
[00:10:19] So they just bought, they literally just bought, they go to a landing page that gives them a button to, come and request to join the group where we're going to be doing our discussion for the course, the workshop. And so I ask them what made you decide to join? Every single person. And this blew me away because this is not normally the case with big launches.
[00:10:39] In this case, every single person that came into the workshop said some variation of. I joined because of you, I believe in you. I, I trust that you can help me get the results that I, I want. It blew me away. It blew me away. You can do all of them mechanics completely. Right. But if you don't have relationship, if you do not have trust, if you do not.
[00:11:09] Build that connection with your people, whether it's one-on-one individually with a smaller audience, or whether you scale that connection on a larger scale using, you know, stories and all sorts of tactics that I talked about a lot in the first season of this podcast. So I'll let you go back and find them, but if you're not building that connection and that relationship, your launches, your business ,
[00:11:33]they're just not going to be as effective as they could be relationship and trust and connection trumps all. So if you're listening to this and you're thinking, man, how do I build that relationship with my people?
[00:11:48] What kinds of things can I do at whatever? Part of the business you're in whatever size you are to build that relationship, to build that connection without sucking up all of my time and all of my attention and draining all of my energy. And you want some help getting clarity and figuring that out. I've got a few clarity coaching days open still this fall. And if you want to work with me for an entire day and get super clear on how you can build that relationship, how you can build that connection and what tactics are going to be best for you, whatever size business you have. In order to build that connection and get better results.
[00:12:30] I would love to work with you because if I had tried to do that, the same things that I did for the big launches back when I was doing this to thousands and thousands of people, I firmly believe it would have fallen flat on its face because you can't build the same kind of connection and get the kind of conversion rates that I got.
[00:12:51] When you're doing it for the masses like that, cause you can't build the depth of connection that I was able to with a tiny yeah. List. Because when it's tiny, you have the time, right. Capacity to reach out more personally. Right. But when you have these big lists or even a medium list and you can't reach out to every single person individually, there are absolutely ways that you can scale that connection.
[00:13:12] You can scale that relationship building and the most effective way for you to do that. It is going to be, to use a tactic that's most aligned with who you are as a person. And there's lots of different ways to do it. Like I said, I know pretty much all of them I've tried every one then before I realized that the stuff that works best is the stuff that really is aligned with who I am and what my gifts are.
[00:13:35] So, if you want help, figuring out how to pick a tactic, that's really going to work with you. That's aligned with you, and that is perfect for the size of your audience. And if you want help getting clarity on the messaging or planning out a challenge or any of those things, one of the clarity coaching days would be a perfect fit for you.
[00:13:56] So if you have any interest in doing this. And I would love to do it. There's nothing more fun for me than sitting down with somebody and really helping them. Layout, all the things on the table and getting really clear on, okay. Which ones need to be focused on, how we can fill in the gaps, how we can clarify the messaging, move forward and really.
[00:14:19] Make a lot of progress quickly. It just, it just lights me up. It's like my favorite thing to do. So if you would like somebody to have to take a peek at your business and help you figure out the strategies, the tactics you should be using to go from where you are now to wherever it is you want to be next.
[00:14:36] Reach out my contact information is in the show notes. And I would love to talk with you personally and see if a clarity coaching day would be a good fit for you. Now I'll be straight up honest. These are not cheap. They are several thousand dollars, but it will save you some how much time.
[00:14:56] And honestly, you probably do not need more courses or more learning what most people need to get out of that messy middle and really start growing fast. Last is clarity. Now I have my bright future method workshop, where I help people create the plan and they, they learn the framework for how to do it.
[00:15:15] They do it themselves, but a clarity coaching day is you actually get to work with me personally for the entire day. And you come out of it with a step plan to move forward towards your next goal and a ton of clarity on what you should be focused on and what you shouldn't. And that's my goal because when we have clarity, we can move fast.
[00:15:33] When we know what we need to do, we can get her done and make it happen. And I'm so good at working with people and helping them find strategies and tactics that are aligned with their gifts. So, if you want to do that, if this sounds amazing to you, I only take clients where I know that I can help them make their investment back quickly.
[00:15:54] So even though it is several thousand dollars, it's not cheap. Just going to be very clear about that. My goal is to make sure that it's a good fit for you and that I can actually help you do that quickly, because I don't want you wasting more money on stuff that doesn't actually work. .
[00:16:09] We've all been there. We have it's annoying and I can't in good integrity do that. And so the first, first thing we do is we will set up a clarity consult. Now this is about a 30 minute call. It's totally free where we're going to see if we're a good fit for each other. And I'm going to ask you a whole bunch of questions about your business to make sure that the ideas and the thoughts that I have for you are going to be a good fit for you and that I can actually help you get there. ? But in the same way, it gives you a chance to talk with me and see if you believe that I can help you get the clarity that you need and move forward together.
[00:16:45] There's no obligation. If you decide to do a clarity consultation with me, those are free. Like I said, And at the end, if we decided to good fit to work, then we'll, arrange for payment and all that good stuff. We'll set up a date. But I only have a limited number of clarity coaching days left this fall.
[00:17:02] Cause I'm also teaching my course right now. So the number of days that I have are very limited. So if you've been thinking about this, if this is something that would help you tremendously, if you want to make the fourth quarter, your best quarter yet. I would love to help you do that. So use the show notes, reach out to me personally, and we will set up a clarity consultation and see if we're a good fit. My friend, just remember we are brighter together and the world needs us, so let's go out and let's make it brighter.

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