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Do you ever wonder if something is missing that you're just not seeing something that needs to fall into place for everything to move forward, the way you want it to, or that there's some hole somewhere and you're not sure where it is or what it is. And you know that once. Everything just comes together.
[00:00:18] It's all gonna fall into place and things are going to fly forward. Well, I had two of these experiences this week and I wanted to share them with you because in those moments where you suddenly realize something that you didn't even see, and it's just like, Oh, of course. And the unseen becomes obvious.
[00:00:44] It can change. Everything. And that's what I'm going to share with you today. this week has been a little bit of an emotional week for me. If I can be completely vulnerable and honest with you, which I always am. But, with launching the masterminds, I never realized how much those meant to me, because it is so, so deeply aligned with who I am. And I feel so incredibly passionate about them because I know what a huge difference being in a mastermind has made to me personally.
[00:01:47] I know I never want to be in business without being in a mastermind again, because I have these experiences where I don't know what I don't know or. Somebody sees an obvious opportunity or pitfall that I didn't even notice that changes everything for me. When I see it. And so I wanted to share a little bit about this week for me one, because I know that when you're doing something new and I know there's a lot of you who have pivoted recently because of all this covert stuff.
[00:02:22] And there are others of you who maybe didn't pivot, but are still growing and stuck in that messy middle. And you can get really, really hard. To push past the resistance. It can be really hard to get beyond the anxieties and you just, all the normal stuff that comes from growing a business and stepping outside our comfort zones.
[00:02:43] But especially as we go closer and closer to the things that are really truly aligned with who we are, it can be especially hard. And I know for me this week I had. an encounter personally, where I reached out to a friend who is very dear to me and we were discussing kind of what I could do with my photography business that I've stepped away from because it's, beautiful asset it's there.
[00:03:10]it, I don't want to just see it disappear and go to waste, but I also feel very, very called to step into this. So we were talking about, you know, some different options I could do with that. And just a number of other things and catching up and talking business. And. He said something to me that totally just blew my mind a little bit.
[00:03:33] And it was such a beautiful and helpful comment and it kind of seems so obvious looking back on it. But in the moment it was really, it was really insightful to me. Cause I was talking about how I just am not fully aligned with the photography business stuff anymore.
[00:03:50] Like my passion is in helping other entrepreneurs who are building online businesses and I love photographers. It's not that I don't love the people. It's just, I haven't been passionate about photography in longer than I'd like to admit. And I've wanted to do a mastermind for over three years. And I'm so excited about that.
[00:04:08] I know that's going to really use my gifts in the best possible way. But I was saying that, didn't want to. Do something with that. Now that would end up being a distraction from the thing that I really deeply feel called to focus on, because one of the biggest things you need to do in order to be successful is focus, focus, and not keep trying all sorts of different things.
[00:04:28] You should not be throwing spaghetti against the wall. And hoping something sticks. You should have a clear, focused, intentional plan for success. That's how you grow fast. And I know what that is, and I've got that plan, but I was also stressing a little bit because cashflow is tight right now. Like I have this beautiful mastermind idea and I know it's going to take off, but I was just, I'm just sitting here saying, well, what if this isn't enough? And what if he can't get us through, the next couple of months or whatever it is.
[00:04:54] And just honestly, I was just having a little anxious freak out and it's. Not something I needed to be freaking out about, but I was, and I mean, it's a legitimate anxiety would starting over.
[00:05:07] It's just, it's been stressful. COVID eight through our savings. And so, you know, I don't have that cushion that I had last year at this time to fall back on and it's causes a lot of anxiety and he said something. So why I used to me his name's Nate. , he's amazing. Yeah. He goes, you know, it sounds like right now, lack of cashflow coming in is actually a bigger distraction.
[00:05:30] Then anything else would be, and that may be the best thing you can do for getting your new business off the ground faster and making decisions from a really healthy place. Instead of asking your city stress place is just to figure out how to make some fast cash coming in, whether that's what the photography thing or, you know, whatever else.
[00:05:50] And it just seems so obvious after he said it. I'm just like, Oh right. Gosh, that makes sense because it would reduce stress. Although if I'm completely honest, I think the anxiety is less about money and more about the fact that I'm launching something that really is close to who I am and the money just amplifies the stress and the anxiety and whatever else.
[00:06:12] But it was such an enlightening and helpful comment to have. And I didn't even see it, it was like, Oh, of course, like that's the distraction. That's what I'm missing. And to have him there to be able to point it out. So clearly to me was super invaluable because then it's like, okay, well, if that's the distraction, what can I do to overcome it?
[00:06:36] Like what has brought me money over the last three months? How can I do more of that while growing my audience? I mean, I'm going to be honest, I haven't done any email list, building things at all. I have maybe 76 people, I think yesterday when I looked on my email list and my stats are amazing. A third of the people on my email list are buyers. That's amazing. Now I just need more of them. Like, it's very clear that I just need my numbers to go up and I know that I'm attracting the right people and that, they want what I have to offer.
[00:07:10] They're getting real transformation. They're already spreading the word about it, but I know what I need to do. I need to grow my audience and I need to make money. So it's pretty clear path moving forward. I know what I need to do to do that, but it just didn't Dawn on me that, Oh, maybe I should take this training that I created.
[00:07:28] And get it out in front of more people and start asking them to opt in to get that. And then following up afterwards with it to make some money and do some more sales. Cause I just need more eyeballs. I just need to get in front of more of the right people because I know that what I have works and converts.
[00:07:46] And so now it seems really obvious to me and I wish I would have seen it sooner because. It just gave me a lot of clarity on what my next steps need to be just immediately in terms of list building growth and how that'll tie into my income growth as well. But then, Oh my gosh. On Thursday, Thursday, I was doing a Q and a session with my bright future methods students.
[00:08:10] And this is part of why I want to do masterminds because I love working with people more one-on-one and we do them via zoom. So it's almost more like a coaching thing than it is just like a Facebook live Q and a. And I want to play this moment for you because this was a moment where. I was talking with one of my students.
[00:08:31] His name is Brian. And, it was just this beautiful moment where he had laid out his framework for helping teach volleyball coaches. And it was a great framework with all of these processes and like all of these really valuable things that.
[00:08:47] Are basically how he coaches it's his unique method for running his volleyball teams. He's a college volleyball coach and it was awesome, but I noticed something very good, obvious that was missing. And I want to play this little clip for you. It's of that moment, because I think.
[00:09:06] You and others like you, who are listening to this podcast, there may be things that you don't even realize you're good at that you don't even see are opportunities in your business that you're missing. And once you see them, Everything starts to fall into place. And this is something that is absolutely central to Brian success.
[00:09:31] And I know that as he leans into it, it's only going to make him more and more successful. And I know he's going to get better and better results for his coaches. And so before I say too much, let me play this clip for you. And you can listen to the conversation on your own. So here it is. Can I, can I also, if there's something else out there, Brian, I don't know if I, if this was in your, you coach B framework. I, I missed it. Yeah. Who are naturally really positive. Really? You've got a wonderful, and I told you that the first time I heard your voice. Yeah. Like it was voice Instagram. I'm like you have a great energy.
[00:10:14] You are a people person. And I get the sense that who you are as an empower of other people. And that is part of why you lead so well. And you do have these processes and you have all these things to streamline it. But I think, you're and I could be totally wrong. So just like disregard if it's off, you'll know inside, but my guess is that you are doing something because it's who you are that you might not be teaching.
[00:10:44] Because you don't even realize the power of it because it's, you're not doing it. You're being it. You are encouraging your people. You are empowering your people. It's not just the systems. It's how you are giving the feedback. It's how you're validated. And I don't know if that's in your methodology or not.
[00:11:03] Well, it's, it's what you're describing is true. Like, I think that that's how I am with my players, coaches, et cetera. So I, so the question is, do you address that in your framework? How do you address who I am in my framework? No, no, no, no, no. The, the empowering part, the part, the things you say, the way you encourage the way you Oh, okay.
[00:11:26] I see what you're saying. So basically the way that I teach, the way that I coach. Yeah. Like how, Oh yeah, I haven't talked about that, but that's a great point. So that's a great point. I think your secret sauce is not all of these beautiful processes. They're gorgeous. I think the reason you're amazing is because of who you are and you don't even see yet because it's just you being that.
[00:11:55] And so here's, here's, here's how you find that. It start to get really intentional about thinking about how do you interact with your players. And we're good. I'm an empower. You're an empower I can tell. And so you'll see some of that later in the course, because you're going to be like, Oh yeah, of course, of course, Maddie is another one.
[00:12:13] She's already doing this and empowering our people, but you are a natural leader and you're helping them become lean. Cause you can take a jackass coach and they can take your process and go through it. And they're not going to have a winning team because they don't know how to lead. It's, you know, it's funny, you said that not to toot my own horn, but my, one of my fingers, one of my players asked me the other day was like, can you give us another motivational speak?
[00:12:34] It really helped me. It really made me feel good about myself going forward. And I'm like, Oh yeah, sure. I do that. Like, that's I that's what I do. I start every practice with, like I say something I, I inspire, I do what you say. Like I'm really passionate when I, with anything I do. I'm really passionate. And I think that my, my, my players love that.
[00:12:48] And my, and coaches that I work with. Love that too, but I, I don't, I never really. Considered like an added as a factor. That's just what I do. So yeah, in your methodology, is it? No, but it should be, it should be exactly what you're teaching. Like this stuff is great and they need this stuff to be effective, but this is not your secret sauce.
[00:13:06] Your secret sauce is knowing how to empower people. And of course you don't see it because it's just what you do because that's who you are. So how can you help people become that if they don't naturally have that in them? Wow. That's really good. Okay. So where do I put that? Like, that place is everything.
[00:13:27] If you think about it, like that's well, that's my secret sauce. Yeah. Not that's my zone of genius as you call it like that, that's pretty sick. Okay. So I got it. Where it, where does that go? Like, that's good for that. That would be my unique methodology right there. They're like, that's it. No one can touch that except me, I guess.
[00:13:44] Right.
[00:13:45] part of why I wanted to share this with you. And the story about my own obvious thing that I was missing is that sometimes we are so close. To our business. We are so far on this, that, and the other thing that we miss, the obvious opportunities and the obvious pitfalls. That may be clear to somebody else who has that experience.
[00:14:15] I can see from the outside and say, Oh my gosh, this is obvious. I know you, I know your business. this is what you need to be considering, or this is the distraction, or this is your gift. This is where you need to lean. Yeah. And getting those moments of insight. Are some of the most valuable moments of insight you can get, because sometimes those are the pieces you need to get you unstuck and moving forward and really getting the success that you've been dreaming of.
[00:14:47] This is part of why being in a mastermind is so, so incredibly valuable. This is part of what I want to bring to you as a bright entrepreneur, who is probably doing really well on your own. And I know most entrepreneurs are super independent and I know we think we can do it all ourselves, but you don't know what you don't know, and you don't know how to get to where you want to go, or you would be there right now.
[00:15:16] And what I have found is that it is more valuable for my business alone. Like literally I can point back to all the different places where I have made my money back time and time again, year after year, I've invested, this is my fourth year in stews mastermind. And every single year I can point to at least one common.
[00:15:38] And if not multiples that have made me more than the very expensive. Fee that I pay to be in this mastermind to the point where that is my most important investment in my business year round, I will cut everything else out to stay in this. Now that might seem weird because yes, it's friendships. Yes.
[00:15:58] It's conversations. No, it's not necessarily specific content, but the conversations that happen there. The ability to get to know other people and watch them grow in their businesses over years and really get to see under the hood of all of these other people, also growing businesses to see what works, what doesn't to grab the best parts and incorporate them into your business to avoid the pitfalls that they run into and really to leverage the collective experience that.
[00:16:33] Is so valuable for growing fast. It's priceless. It's genuinely priceless. And up until now, there haven't been a lot of masterminds that were less than $25,000 a year, or that were open to people who were making less than half a million or a million dollars per year. And so that's a gap that I really wanted to fill now.
[00:16:57] I am starting these up. I'm hoping to do them starting the week, the first week of November. And I'm only taking applications for this first round through October 22nd, so that I can curate them and make sure to get back to people and have them ready to go for that first week in November. And I hate for you to miss out and not even know what you're missing out on.
[00:17:19] I know that 2020 has been one heck of a hard year, and I know that we y'all want 20, 21 to be, amazing. And I truly believe with all of my heart that joining a mastermind is that right? Best way that you can ensure that you are going to be as prepared as possible and ready to rock 2021. So I'd love to invite you to apply, to be a part of the mastermind. Now I'm not going to take everybody because I really want to make sure that people can contribute. But the main things that I'm looking for are integrity. I'm looking for action takers.
[00:18:01] I'm looking for people who are already selling something and know who they want to sell to. And I'm looking for people who are generous and not afraid to share what they know with others who are going to be honest with themselves and honest with the other people in the mastermind. We're going to meet twice a month for two hours each meeting and it's going to be so incredible. I'm so excited. I am so excited for what I know is in your future as you join this mastermind, because there may be things like I talked about in this podcast that you don't even realize that you don't know that could change. Everything for you, or maybe there's something that's very obvious to me or one of the other people in the mastermind that you're doing that is absolutely holding you back from the success that you're after.
[00:18:51] And as soon as you realize it and step away from that, things could take off. You just don't know what you don't know because you have limited experience. So when you can surround yourself by other like-minded business owners who can help you get to the next level and scale your business, because you can tap into their experience as well, and you can watch what they are doing in their business.
[00:19:18] It's priceless. It's priceless. And I would really hate for you to miss out on this and experience massive FOMO and keep struggling and stay stuck, where you are. And I know that there's a lot of people out there and maybe you're one of them who would love to be a part of this, but know that like money is super tight.
[00:19:41] Like I know I am in that boat and I know what a sacrifice this is to be in it. In fact, I have somebody who's like, maybe I can sell my long arm quilting machine because I really want to be in this. And I know that it's expensive, but I know that would pay off. she's trying to say, how, how can I do this?
[00:20:02] Because she sees the value. And she knows how much that could help her in her business to have that community, to have that insight with her for the next 12 months. And that's what I want for you. I know that it's hard. I absolutely do. I have a payment plan to help those of you who are pivoting to make it more easy to pair.
[00:20:27] But I want you to know that this is a literally the best investment you can make in yourself and your business. And I know personally from experience, I know it's terrifying. I almost puked when, when I got the news that, I was, accepted into Stew's impact mastermind because it was so much money and we were not making a lot of money. We needed every penny and, it was terrifying. It was literally terrifying. And I remember feeling so much fear but. we tripled our business in literally 18 months, and I know without a shadow of a doubt, it's because of the advice and the support that I got in that mastermind.
[00:21:05] And that's what I want for you. So my friend, if you would like to consider being in the mastermind, I would love to have you, you apply simply go to, we are brighter and you can get all the details there and apply. Please do so by October 22nd, I'm going to be curating the applications after that.
[00:21:26] And if you do apply after that time, I can't guarantee you will be able to get in. For the first round when we are starting that first week of November, I don't have the exact date. if you have questions because I know that this is a big investment and it might not be clear to you, I would love to chat with you about it.
[00:21:45] I'd actually really love to have a conversation, not just a quick little message. I do have a link in the show notes that you can use to send me a little message via video. we can set up a time to meet or chat back and forth that way, or you can reach out to on Instagram. My link to that is also in the show notes and we can, I can either talk back and forth there, or we can set up a time to jump on zoom and see if it's a good fit for you, because I definitely want it to be a good fit for you.
[00:22:11] I don't want you to regret making this decision, but at the same time, I don't want you to regret not doing it. Because you were afraid or because you didn't think you could afford it. When I know that man, this has changed my life and my business in ways I can't even explain. And I know that that can be the same for you.
[00:22:31] In fact, if you want to hear more stories about how valuable a mastermind is in the last episode, I actually had people from the mastermind that I'm in now. Not one that I lead, but one that I pay to be in with Stu McLaren, I asked some of the other people who are in the mastermind to share why they continually invest in a mastermind and what value that brings yes to them.
[00:22:51] Especially as a really successful entrepreneur, who knows what they're doing. Of course they know the strategy. Why would they invest in a group like this? If they didn't also see the value. All right. My friend, we are brighter That's the link to the application would love to consider you for the mastermind.
[00:23:09] Do not hesitate in any way to reach out to me personally, I would be happy to have a discussion with you to see if this is something that you should be a part of. And with that, I just want to remind you that we are brighter together and the world needs us. So let's go out and make it brighter.

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