so often we start with the solution that we've created, the product, the course, a service, whatever, but the best way to get people to buy is to focus on the problem that our product solves and then help them see it as the logical solution. That's what we'll be discussing in step three of the beta launch method.
[00:00:25] If you're new here, you've started in the middle of my series on how I'm beta launching my new course. I highly recommend you go back and listen to episode 12 of season two first, which is an overview of the entire process. You can see how this fits into the big picture. So now that we're here on step three, we know who we want to sell to, but why should they buy our stuff?
[00:01:04] What problem does it solve for them? The more painful the problem is, the more they're going to want the solution and be willing to pay for it. For example, if you find out you have a rare form of aggressive cancer, you'll do anything you can to find the best doctor to help you cure it, cure it as fast as possible.
[00:01:26] Even if it costs you your entire life savings. But if the problem is just that they're bored, there's lots of things that they already own that might serve to fill that problem, and they'll have a lot less urgency about purchasing your product now. So you have to ask yourself, what problem does my potential client have and how badly do they want to solve it?
[00:01:50] So for example, this new beta course that I'm launching, here's some of my first thoughts on the problems. And I'm going to be really honest with you. I feel like I still need to work on these a little bit, but Hey, we're beta launching done is better than perfect, and so we're just gonna roll with it right now, right?
[00:02:06] That's kind of how I do things. All right. So first, I'm looking to work with people who are doing all this work and just are not being heard. Like they put out all this content and they just hear crickets. No one responds, no one engages. No one comments. Things like that. They have little to no engagement.
[00:02:26] They have to work harder than they should to get new sales. They just feel like there's gotta be an easier way. They don't feel like they have a lot of loyal clients. They have very few testimonials and pretty much no word of mouth marketing, and there's just no real community. In their business. They're just not standing out from the crowd.
[00:02:49] They're kind of blending in with all the other businesses serving their same market, but they know they're doing all the right things, yet something is still missing and they just don't know what that thing is now. All of these things are valid problems, but I'm going to be honest, they're a little bit weak on the urgency side, like none of them require immediate action, like getting audited by the IRS would require.
[00:03:15] Right? Like if you got that note and they said, Hey, we're going to audit you. You need to get us this stuff. You're going to be talking to your accountant and making that stuff happen right away because that's, you know, kind of a big deal. These aren't nearly as. Urgent is that is, but they're still problems that keep a business from growing.
[00:03:35] And when you solve them, your results start to amplify. So it's easy to forget.
[00:03:44] Now. I know this might seem basic, but it's really easy to forget to identify the problem when you're thinking about creating a new product and what it does, but truly understanding what the problem is and how your product solves it will help you have a stronger offer, which we're going to talk about in an upcoming episode.
[00:04:05] When you paint a picture of what the problem is and then clearly contrast that with a detailed picture of the solution your product brings them and you explain how that's going to change their life and their business, then the real magic happens. That's when people really want to buy. So we're going to be talking about the quick wins and all of the longterm benefits that people get from using our product in the next episode.
[00:04:33]. So I can't wait to see you there. Now, if you want to make sure you hear it, subscribe to the podcast if you haven't already.
[00:04:40] And if you want to get the entire 12 step checklist that I'm using, and get all these questions that I'm asking myself as I'm preparing to beta launch my new course, you can go to personal brand and enter your email address and I will send it right over to you.
[00:04:57] Now, if you found this helpful or if you've enjoyed the podcast, one of the best ways to say thank you would be to tell someone you know why they should be listening and what value they would get from it. It's a great way to say thank you and I appreciate it so much.
[00:05:11] If you post it on Instagram, definitely tag me at Jamie M Swanson and yeah, I just appreciate you and I will see you in the next step. So.

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